Monday, July 16, 2012

3-Day Training on "Healing Ourselves from Medicine"

Healing Ourselves from Medicine is a book by Joaquin Tan, renowned Philippine anthroposophist. This is a book description I got from Amazon of the book:

Healing Ourselves From Medicine, based on thirty years of practical experience, provides a detailed working manual for the application of the principles of an anthroposophical approach to medicine that can be utilized by anyone. At the same time, it clearly explains the philosophical underpinnings of this unique approach to self-healing. This writing will prove to be an invaluable aid for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of human health and illness. “Humanity is at war with itself. On many fronts, humans are fighting each other in a silent but raging and devastating war. Medicine is a key battleground in this conflict. On one side stand the forces advocating for the full mechanization of the human being—looking at old age as a disease, and damaged organs as mere body parts that can be replaced with other similar body parts. On the other side stand humans who want to advance a more profound, dignified, and spiritual view of the human being and the healing process. In this epochal conflict, Jake Tan has clearly placed his future with the forces that would resist the mechanization of humanity. Jake is bringing an important message that deserves to be heard, especially in a time when humanity is making fateful decisions that will determine the future direction and condition of subsequent generations. Will we choose to mechanize ourselves and solve the ‘problem’ of ‘illness’ and ‘old age’ by attempting to transfer human consciousness into the bodies of super-intelligent machines? Or will we view biological ‘defects,’ illness, holistic health, and death as essential for the spiritual evolution of humanity? In the end, you, as readers, will also have to make a choice. May Jake’s book help guide you in making that choice.” - Nicanor Perlas, Author, Shaping Globalization: Civil Society, Cultural Power, and Threefolding, and Recipient, The Right Livelihood Award

The seminar is sure to cover basic anthroposophical beliefs about the human body and diseases as well as managing common illnesses and using food (local and organic) as cure.

This is great for parents (with those trying to conceive, pregnant ones and ones with small chldren to benefit the most)... people looking for a different  way to heal... people into natural healing... or people curious about homeopathy and maybe even organic farming :)

"Healing Ourselves From Medicine" (a 3-day training with Joaquin G. Tan) September 28-30, 2012. Organized by Spread Organic Agriculture in the Philippines. See poster for details or contact Sandy Itchon at 2167016 /

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