Monday, November 23, 2009

The Better Investment

Not everyone will be blessed with a Christmas bonus but at least, most people who are working will get 13th month pay as mandated by law. And though many malls and bazaars are doing a great job inspiring us to buy and buy and buy, let us all make sure that part of the money we get will go to better investments, samples of which include:

1) Insurance - go over the insurance quote that was already given you by your agent for your home, car or your kids' education. You may not be able to start payments on everything but you can at least make an informed choice on what to prioritize.

2) Car - change your tires, clean your air conditioning, check break/clutch fluid, install shocks, etc. It may seem pointless if the car is running fine right now but investing in your car is investing in you, and your family's safety so don't skip it.

3) Health - apart from a health plan, have that executive check-up you need or start paying more for healthier items (like whole-grain breads and fresh cow's milk). Also add important supplements like Vitamin C and Fish Oil in your daily routine and buy the running shoes that you need to help you exercise.

4) Family - it does not have to be a grand trip but maybe an overnight camping trip at a nearby lake will do you good. Maybe family games or a new set of something (books, perhaps) can facilitate bonding times and communication in your home. Maybe an extra bathroom is really, really important already.

5) Savings - always save something for rainy days and emergencies. If luck is on your side, this may just pay for a luxury in future but if not, at least you need not be borrowing money or pawning stuff.

When you know what your priorities are, you will know how to stretch whatever money you receive as bonus. So remind yourself asap on what you should be investing in... and if you notice, all these actually spell 'peace of mind'.

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