Saturday, April 21, 2012

Maid's Uniform

If you're like me who is wondering what to make your helper wear so that they'd look decent when they go out with you in public (because nannies and cleavage don't mix!) but don't want them wearing medical scrubs eventhough that's the trend now (even for caregivers, masseusse, etc), then just really have some maid's uniform made... or buy one in your local grocery.

Confused about how it looks like? No, definitely not the black French maid smock with the white apron. I firmly believe that domestic chores are easier done when a person is wearing pants. So, think of glorified pajamas instead... uniforms are made from the same fabric as scrubs but are a pant and polo set (usually, the collar and panels are piped, and no cartoon characters!). Maybe you can also invest in a set of polo shirts or just buy fabric in bulk and have them made into a comfortable blouse/top. Then, insist that your helper wear their uniform, especially if they are nannies tagging along with you. Not only is it easier for you to spot them, they will also need not worry anymore on what to wear.

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