Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Continue Looking Good During the Holidays

Some people, in other parts of the world, will have Thanksgiving as a holiday before Christmas. For us here in the Philippines, it will just be a series of Christmas-y merrymaking along with school reunions and year-end parties.

With merrymaking always comes exhaustion, what with the late hours, stress, the sinful stuff you ingest and maybe even the smoke you're exposed to. How do you continue looking good then?

If you can't stick to healthy fare at parties, at least eat healthy when you're not at a party. Immensely enjoying a buffet need not be so bad if you've been subsisting on light salads, high grain fiber, and fruits.

Drink your Vitamin C and E to give you that glow. Use a lot of moisturizers too.

Exfoliate at least twice a week. Use deadsea salt or a homemade concoction of honey, water and sugar.

Drink plenty of water, expecially if you've had a drink, or had coffee or tea.

Get plenty of rest. Nap before having your lunch. Some 15 minutes of zzz's will do your looks, as well as mental health, good.

Bring extra clothes at the office or in the car for wardrobe changes or unwanted wardrobe malfunction moments. Invoke different effects through accessories or invest in multiwear clothing that can take you from work to a party.

Always have baby wipes to clean and spruce yourself up... and a handy makeup kit for touch ups.

Lastly, smile. The Holidays is for merrymaking after all.

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