Monday, August 29, 2011

Hong Kong Science Museum

I first fell in love with Hong Kong Science Museum six years ago, when I spent the better part of a day just exploring its many exhibits and marvelling at the expense that went into those to make Science fun for all. So, I vowed to return with my son.

We chose to go on a Wednesday because the museum lets everyone in for free on those days. I forgot, however, that it's summer season for the kids from Hong Kong and visitors from China so the museum was packed.

The down side of going on a Wednesday is that you cannot go around the exhibit halls leisurely since you'd have to fall in line for some attractions. But attractions, they still were.

kids pushing the mist out of this contraption

one area was all about planes/flight

a big play area was allocated for younger kids, with cushions serving as big, soft building blocks

a Lufengusaurus, my son's first look at a real dinosaur skeleton setup

replica of a T-Rex's skull

the House of Mirrors at the ground floor was very interesting

a touch screen game that teaches where bone systems go

pull the rope and see how long our small intestines are

bird's eye view indeed!

We did not get to explore all we want because of the crowd but I still highly recommend the museum for school-age kids because it can really make learning more fun. The usual ticket price is HKD25.

You would also be met by a hand sanitizer-dispensing staff for some exhibits or see signs like this:

Hong Kong Science Museum
Tel : 2732 3232
Fax : 2311 2248
Email :
Address : 2 Science Museum Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

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