Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Car Insurance and Maintenance Fund

Cars are luxury items. They're a necessity now and really go a long way in making things convenient for us, but the fact that their value starts dropping after you buy them while also requiring much in terms of gas, registration, insurance and maintenance.

But you really have to allot funds for these. You may get better deals if you conduct some sort of car insurance comparison first before getting one, but always make sure to read the fine print. Do not just be attracted by cheaper rates nor a lot of freebies (which you may not even need).

And make sure you tuck away a monthly allowance for the maintenance and insurance fees. Doing this monthly is actually easier on the pocket than having to come up with cash at the last minute. Monitor oil and brake fuel change schedules and tire replacements. Don't make the mistake of trying to scrimp on maintenance because it just might make your vehicle into a death trap. Driving around with ragged tires and problematic clutches not just endanger you or anyone in your family driving the car, you also endanger other innocent people on the road with you.

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