Friday, July 25, 2008

Earning from Home

1) sell things on

If you have contacts, or you make them yourself, for anything and everything, from bags to clothes to shoes to accessories to cakes and cupcakes... all these can now be sold via multiply. That saves you from paying for your own website.

You can attend some Negoskwela or Tesda or Heny Sison training/seminar to get yourself started. Start a business from what you learned that won't take you away from home so much, like making chocolate goodies or cooking lunch and supplying a whole department/office or doing balloon set-ups.

2) sell things on

Again, be these new things you scoured from flea markets or stuff your husband/relatives were able to get cheap abroad for you (like Nokia N95 8GB) or used stuff (somebody else's garbage can be someone else's treasure) you have at home... sell these on ebay...

Even if your used stuff don't sell for much, at least you got some extra bucks for it which you can save to replace the space the used stuff occupied before.

3) go into paid writing gigs

Paid blogging are for those who basically blog for money. They either post the paid posts in their own blog (and would thus have to be affiliated with paid blogging services like Payu2blog, PayperPost, Blogsvertise, etc) or write for someone else's blog (like in BabiesOnline... or check HubPages, BloggerJobs, and Craigslist for opportunities).

Other paid writing gigs involve writing, improving, translating academic papers (like those available at or transcribing (as in medical transcriptions).

4) online English tutor

Take advantage of the Chinese and Korean's demand for English proficiency. You can even do this part-time (4 hours everyday) and all you'd need is a PC with fast internet, a webcam and mic.

other ways to earn online/from home:

ads in your site - in cases where your website/blog generates a lot of traffic, advertisers will pay for ad space in your blog. Google's Adsense, Project Wonderful, BlogHer and paid blogging sites/affiliates all offer this opportunity.

online jobs - find them at or or or

Make sure to google first the site's name and check for scam reports because there are many. Also, opt for those who will only require samples of your work and not ask for two or more original outputs because some advertisers might not pay you. Paid blogging service providers get commissions/cuts for every post (30-50%) but they at least provide a steady stream of advertisers/writing jobs.

web development, design, layout artist, etc - if you're creative, know your way around Photoshop, or other programming languages, etc.

events planning - this will require you to go out sometime, for meetings and on the day of the event but all the organizing and networking can be done at home, using your phone and computer. And since most events happen during the weekend, you'd have most of the week free to do other things (like your full-time work, study and attend classes, homeschool your kids, etc)

Will think of more job opps from the home.

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