Friday, December 10, 2010

UP-PGH Faculty Medical Arts Building (FMAB) Pediatrics

I had gushed about the idea of a pediatric complex offering the services of UP-PGH specialists in one building. I had no idea that it was an even bigger project. The Faculty Medical Arts Building (FMAB) was sitting idle in the PGH compound for over two decades but now, it's offering the latest in medical technology as well as the PGH specialists we all know are the best in the country. FMAB is allowing these doctors to hold private clinics in PGH while also allowing them to be available to PGH patients and UP students.

And I have enjoyed the pediatrics section twice already.

Most of the doctors are officially holding clinic there January 2011 but our pediatrician has already moved in since October. The pediatrics complex has at least eight rooms for the pediatric specialists. Supposedly, once fully occupied, vaccination will be centralized and performed by a tag team of doctor and nurse other than the specialist you're consulting with.

Supposedly, a play area will also be set up just outside the complex, which is in the 2nd floor.

the FMAB lobby, with staff ready to assist first-time visitors and even usher them to where they want to go

Figaro serves coffee near the entrance, this is the cashier area

just after the cashier area is the Radiology center (left) and at the end, the stairs leading to the 2nd floor, the first complex on the right being the Pediatrics one

Inside the pediatrics complex in the FMAB

me, with other parents bringing in their child, to our pedia's FMAB clinic

We actually love the new clinic because well, it's new, clean and the air-conditioning is great (as in bring sweaters or wraps!). However, we do feel it can be a hassle going there because PGH is located in the center of a block, which would require commuters to walk and those driving cars to be stuck in traffic in that area. I am also not sure if parking for FMAB guests is allowed in front of the building (I think that's reserved for the physicians) or they'd have to go park in the main PGH parking area and just walk to FMAB. Plus, for concerned parents, it would really be great to just have all the specialists in one place.

Anyway, I am guessing more chairs will be added to accommodate patients. The complex has its own rest room and there's a separate changing/weighing/measuring room for the kids (with its own sink). All doctors' clinics also has its own sink in the anterooms where the child is examined.

I just hope they installed sound absorbing material there because I can just imagine the noise of so many kids to see so many doctors. Maybe they can also include books in the play area they're going to set up. And at least one TV to broadcast a good children's program to amuse at least half of the kids.

Call 554-8400 or 708-0000 for more information, clinic schedules, specialist availabilities and the like.

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