Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Aristocrat Bakeshop

Technically, you cannot go wrong with any cake from the Aristocrat Bakeshop. All their cakes are just really made superbly, always balancing sinful and too sweet. My all-time favorite from their bakeshop is the Torta de los Reyes which is chocolate sans rival but since their cakes also tend to be expensive, it's really not something one would buy for sharing in big feasts (unless maybe their birthday cakes).

The good thing though is that they offer a lot of mini cakes for those itching for decadence but don't want to really shell out that much.

Take for example these two cakes we just bought from the main Aristocrat Bakeshop in Remedios. It's gopd, old-fashioned caramel cake and the other is Grand Chocolate (I think, it was hubs who bought it).

The caramel cake tastes best when it's served really cold because the caramel and butter icing just melts in your mouth. The Grand Chocolate cake would taste best with coffee and is sure to be a hit with dark chocolate lovers. It's reminiscent of Red Ribbon's choco caramel cake, only more moist and without caramel. Plus, its chocolate is really on the dark, bittersweet side which is why my husband LOVED it. According to him, it was just what he expected and more.

The caramel cake costs P100 while the Grand Chocolate costs P120. Now, we can't wait to try their Better Than Sex cake.

And since these come in their own boxes, they'd be cool giveaways as well in weddings and other celebrations!

So, next time you pass by an Aristocrat Bakeshop, don't pass up on the opportunity for some toe-curling delight in the form of their cakes.

1 comment:

i♥pinkc00kies said...

i wanna try their cakes... i heard they are really good.

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