Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ilog Maria

Ilog Maria is popular for its honey-based products.

Right now, it's out of honey. But I believe they are harvesting soon. Still, if it's honey you want, you may have to call them first and wait a few weeks before you can buy some. But their honey is really pure and there's a hint of something citrus in it.

Other fave products they have that I recommend are the massage oil (love the scent!), the soaps (they lather nice and are matipid and they absolutely smell divine!) and the throat spray (I swear, the minute your throat gets sore, just spray twice on your throat and you're better the next day). Of course, each member of the household may have to get their own throat spray though. And right now, i'm using the soaps I bought to perfume my dresser drawers.



where they set up their museum exhibit

the super charming CR

They've made available an entirely new exit road out of the bee farm. And I swear their soaps are such great, great things to give away. I drool over the spearmint and swoon over the lavender!

1 comment:

Toni said...

I like their products!!! It's been years since I visited. Makapunta nga sometime. Naku, kelan pa kaya yon. Haha!

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