If baby seesm to have diarrhea, or had some blood in his stool, or is suddenly feverish, just put one on. Of course, you have to position it in the appropriate hole, and yes, you can also use it to get stool samples. Stool on a diaper will already be contaminated and it would be more tedious to catch urine or wait with a cup on your hand. Using urine collectors will also be less messy and more sterile, for everyone concerned.
Urinalysis and Fecal analysis are two easy ways to find out what's causing the illness, or to rule out the common illnesses that beset kids.
The adhesive around the hole shouldn't hurt your baby. Though it might give a different or weird feeling for the baby, it's still not enough to get your baby throwing tantrums so you shouldn't worry about it either.
Using a pediatric urine collector has been our saving grace in the instances when we had to check if our son is sick with something. When he got UTI, we just put one on him and went to the pedia and he conveniently peed while we're waiting.
Laboratories don't need a lot of urine or stool sample... unlike us who are required to fill a cup with our urine.
Pediatric urine collectors are also very cheap. They cost around five pesos (so $.25 will already get you two). If you end up never using it, not only are you lucky that your child is healthy, but you also need not cry over wasted money because it didn't cost much in the first place.
(photo grabbed from Google Images)
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